"Perhaps the butterfly is proof that we can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something beautiful"

Serving Crawford, Roscommon, Ogemaw, Otsego, Oscoda & Iosco Counties

  • Therapy

    NMCAC Provides Unlimited Counselling Sessions to the the affected child and non-offending family members.

  • Victim Advocacy

    A NMCAC victim advocate is provided to the victim to help with investigation, follow-up sessions and referrals.

  • Forensic Interviewing

    A specially trained interviewer interviews children in a non-suggestive manner to gather information regarding suspected abuse.

  • Outreach & Prevention

    NMCAC works to educate community members on ways to prevent and respond to child abuse.

  • Medical Examination

    NMCAC employs specially trained medical professionals that provide examinations on site, free of charge.

Our Mission

"To foster the healing and reduce the trauma of child abuse and neglect by providing prevention, intervention, and advocacy to children & their family members"

"To witness the progress of my child during this process has been astounding and has given us a level of confidence knowing that they will not only be okay, but one day thrive as a strong, independent adult who will not have to look back on this time in their life and have it affect them negatively, long term...Our family cannot utilize words to express our thanks to everything this organization and the staff has done for us"

— Parent

NMCAC at a Glance

We work diligently to serve children & families affected by abuse. All services are provided FREE of charge!

At our family friendly facilities we conduct counseling/therapy, advocacy support, child forensic interviews and medical services free of charge. All services take place on-site and are provided at both of our locations in Roscommon and Tawas, MI.